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Happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the Staff here at we are thankful for you our loyal GKers.

During this holiday season especially with the hustle and bustle that is everyday life in addition to the hectic scenes as we celebrate this special holiday season, on behalf of Thank You.

Your friends at GreensKeeper.Org

P.S. Perhaps a round of golf perhaps to cap off the Holiday Season?

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Merry Christmas from Greenskeeper.Org

Merry Christmas

From Us to YOU.

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter.
During this Holiday Season it is our hope that You and Yours have a blessed and safe Holiday!

Merry Christmas

From Your Friends at

Now Go Play Some Golf!

Rams Hill Golf Club - Santa with GK Cup and JohnnyGK
Rams Hill Golf Club – Santa with GK Cup and JohnnyGK