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Golf Course Review Ancil Hoffman Golf course Carmichael California

Ancil Hoffman Golf Course

Golf Course Review Ancil Hoffman Golf course Carmichael California

Reviewed by: michaelko, Elk Grove, CA
Played Wed 5/20, 9:30 tee time, 4 1/2 hr round. Pleasant time as usual.


Golf Playing Conditions 7.35 GREAT
Golf Playing Conditions 7.35 GREAT

reens a little slower than the last time I played here, (slow 10) and a little more beat up. Had to fix quite a few ball marks. Most disconcerting, is the congregation of geese proliferating, multiplying… more goslings and families. I hate the geese. With geese, come goose droppings. It’s not too bad yet, but I’m worried. This will stop me from playing here.

Other than that, course in decent shape… but with the geese, the weather getting hotter, and the public not taking care of the greens, I’m wary of the next 6 weeks.