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Golf Course Review Del Monte Golf Course Monterey California

Del Monte Golf Course

Golf Course Review Del Monte Golf Course Monterey California

Reviewed by: Alex326, Monterey, Ca
Right now Del Monte Golf Course is probably in the best shape I’ve ever seen it.

Golf Playing Conditions 8.35 GREAT
Golf Playing Conditions 8.35 GREAT

Conditions are usually above average here but today the track was in excellent shape. Greens are almost (95%) healed from last months aeration. They rolled super smooth and fast. Greens at Del Monte are are on the small side with most being single tiered with back to front slope.

Fairways were a solid 9. Very green and lush throughout. Tee boxes bordered on a 10. Easily a 9.5. Lush, level and divot free. Sand traps were the low point. I was in a number of bunkers and almost all of them were very thin.

Course is easily walk-able with all tee boxes being within 50 yards of the previous green or closer. Some are too close. Beverage cart was out most of the day and customer service is always friendly. POP was 4 hrs 15 mins.

Del Monte is another good peninsula course that can be a bit expensive at the rack rate of $110 but for my $39 with cart it’s an excellent choice.