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Golf Course Review Goat Hill Park Golf Course Oceanside California

Goat Hill Park Golf Course

Golf Course Review Goat Hill Park Golf Course Oceanside California

Reviewed by: weber, coto de caza

Golf Playing Conditions 6.54 GOOD
Golf Playing Conditions 6.54 GOOD

Decided to venture back to Goat Hill because I always have success in getting out first here, and thinking that because it is near the coast, it would be somewhat cooler. I was half right. I was able to get out first, about 15-20 minutes before the first tee time, but even taking a cart. (Which I rarely do) it was still hot & humid) Needless to say being first out, there was no issue with pace of play, although I did have to play through a threesome which started on #10.

Since I was out before the mowers, did not have even one cut green. Despite this, they rolled very well and held shots nicely, and I’m sure once they have been cut, they would be fine, but for me, they were really slow. Fairways are in the best condition I’ve seen them, lots of new sod, but even the older turf is green and fairly lush. Some of the rough near the aprons were US Open thick, but most of the rough was very playable.

The Goat is certainly in the best condition I have ever seen it. If you have not been here for a while, it’s time to return. I think you’ll be impressed by the improvement. But be warned, this little 4400 yard course will take it’s toll on you and provide a stern fun challenge.

Goat Hill Park Golf Course Oceanside California GK Coupon
Goat Hill Park Golf Course Oceanside California GK Coupon