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Golf Course Review Royal Links Golf Club Las Vegas Nevada

Royal Links Golf Club

Golf Course Review Royal Links Golf Club Las Vegas Nevada

Reviewed by: mpisarski01, Costa Mesa
Played 10/5 and must’ve just missed Steve and friends. We tee’d off at 10:30 using our free foursome certificate that Apisarski won at a GK event. The staff here was super friendly as usual and the bar food was tasty albeit expensive.


Golf Playing Conditions 8.33 GREAT
Golf Playing Conditions 8.33 GREAT

Course is in great shape right now as expected. When you get to the starter he warns you with a smile saying that there are over 100+ bunkers and only about 4 of them are visible from the tee. The last time I played here I did not hit any bunkers but this time I landed in two and both up against the front edge of course. Sand was decent but not great, a bit firm for my taste. Fairway and rough were lush with some of the fescue being knee high even though it looks to be only 3-5 inches, a great job by the grounds crew to make it look like a rolling mound I was convinced that it wasn’t that thick. Greens were semi soft and rolled well and quick. The gold tee’s we played from seemed to be a bit chewed up but nothing major.

Overall the unique layout itself warrants a trip here even though rates can be a bit high at times but nothing out of the ordinary for Las Vegas.