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Golf Course Review Teal Bend Golf Club Sacramento California

Teal Bend Golf Club

Golf Course Review Teal Bend Golf Club Sacramento California

Reviewed by: michaelko, Elk Grove, CA

Golf Playing Conditions 8.40 GREAT
Golf Playing Conditions 8.40 GREAT

Played Thanksgiving day, 8am shotgun. After about 15 straight hours of rain that let up about 6am, we played in a crisp, cool sunny morning, with a slight breeze. I’ve always said the course drains really really well, and the course was 80% dry.

Some areas of rough were sloppy, but far and few between. Some standing water in about 30% of the bunkers. Greens were perfect, a little on the slow end, but faster than you would think… slow 10 maybe on the stimp. They are doing bunker construction, so about 10-15 bunkers are Ground Under Repair (GUR.)

Overall a great day, on a course in great shape.