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Recent Golf Course Review Dragonfly Golf Club Madera California

Dragonfly Golf Club

Madera, CA

Reviewed by: Alex326, Monterey, Ca

Playing Conditions 6.32 GOOD
Playing Conditions 6.32 GOOD

Hot off the press!!! Dragonfly is finally doing some major maintenance on the sand traps! It looks like they are following suit with other courses in the valley and overhauling the bunkers. I can’t wait! Not that it will help my pathetic sand play but that’s another story. I was in 6 bunkers today which ranged from poor to OK at best. The good news is that within a few weeks the bunkers should all be very nice.

As for the rest of the course, it’s still in great shape. Greens roll smooth and true. I will say that I’m curious about their mowing procedure. The speeds were all over the place on the front nine. They were consistently on the medium/slow side on the back nine.

Fairways are still dormant but very playable. Beverage cart was out making the rounds as well.