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Golf Course Review Mountain Meadows Golf Course Pomona California

Mountain Meadows Golf Course

Golf Course Review Mountain Meadows Golf Course Pomona California

Reviewed by: Andrew1, Ontario, Cal.
Played yesterday the 11th.

Golf Playing Conditions 5.93 GOOD
Golf Playing Conditions 5.93 GOOD

Driving range is open but the practice putting green is closed until further notice. Must wear Mask while using the driving range or being around the Pro shop area (pro shop was also off limits).

Course is in very good shape except for the rough being a total nightmare. It was absolutely terrible, probably hasn’t be cut for at least 6 to 8 weeks it was just to thick. If your ball went into the thick rough it was almost impossible to find but the good news is that the Course was starting to cut the rough as we were playing so by next week it should be fine.

Fairways were mowed very good and the greens were very nice to putt on.

Bunkers were very hard and tough to get out of so we played the bunkers as “Waste Areas”.

Pace of play was a little slow. I guess with players losing their ball in the rough and trying to find it, it actually slowed down play a bit.

Everyone had their own cart which was fine. I give this course condition a good 7 out of 10 being great except for the rough I give the rough a Zero. There you are “know before you go”