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Golf Course Review Black Gold Golf Club Yorba Linda California

Black Gold Golf Club

Golf Course Review Black Gold Golf Club Yorba Linda California

Reviewed by: ggonzales, Anaheim

Golf Playing Conditions 7.24 GREAT
Golf Playing Conditions 7.24 GREAT

Played Black Gold on a Friday afternoon. Check-in and first tee went with no issues.

Fairways and rough had good coverage.

Tee boxes were disappointing with heavy divot damage and lack of grass in the teeing areas that the markers were set at.

Greens were lush and held shots, very little divot damage and rolling smooth. Greens were a little on the slow side but were consistent.

Pace of Play (POP) was at 4.5 hours.

Fun course if you play the appropriate tees.

Black Gold Golf Club Yorba Linda California GK Coupon & Golf Tee Time Special
Black Gold Golf Club Yorba Linda California GK Coupon & Golf Tee Time Special