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Golf Course Review Laguna Seca Golf Ranch Monterey California

Laguna Seca Golf Ranch

Golf Course Review Laguna Seca Golf Ranch Monterey California

Reviewed by: Alex326, Monterey, Ca

Golf Playing Conditions 5.40 GOOD
Golf Playing Conditions 5.40 GOOD

Played Laguna Seca this afternoon and the weather was actually overcast and chilly. This is one of my favorite layouts with some elevation changes throughout the entire course. There is a good mixture of fun grip it and rip it holes along with tough challenging ones.

Conditions are a bit less than ideal right now. Greens were smooth but rolling at a slow pace. Most greens are double tiered but usually pretty predictable.

Fairways had a number of thin spots throughout the course. Overall coverage on the fairways was decent but definitely winter thin. Tee boxes had a number of divots however they had a few of the tee boxes closed for complete reseed, so they are obviously working on improving the conditions.

Sand boxes were 50/50. I was in a lot of bunkers today and got a thorough sampling the of the sand. Some were very nice but at least 50-60% of them were riddled with gravel/pebbles.

The skirt areas around the greens were in great shape. Customers service is always good. Nothing over the top with valet parking but greatly friendly service.