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Golf Course Review Teal Bend Golf Club Sacramento California

Teal Bend Golf Club

Golf Course Review Teal Bend Golf Club Sacramento California

Reviewed by: Deepsea14, Granite Bay

Golf Playing Conditions 6.88 GOOD
Golf Playing Conditions 6.88 GOOD

Third write-up in a row. This one dated 7/28/19. Early out and light winds warm overnight (68) made it mosquito city the first couple holes. First fairway cut tight and most were on the course but some landing areas on others a bit shaggy (grass had seed heads here and there). Greens have numerous ball marks the repaired ones brown but too many everywhere as well as a share of un-repaired ones many areas some holes. The bunkers seemed to be improved from past visits, but I didn’t get to try them. My game was poor enough without that extra challenge.

Overall conditions are OK. But the greens are a visual that I didn’t like more so than effecting putting. Some what slow pace of play following three other two’s. According to the clock it was a good pace just seemed a bit slow waiting for group in front. Didn’t quite have opportunity to play through but didn’t ask either. 3.5 POP

Customer service great and this day the planes were heard from nearby SAC airport as the runway close by was in full operation through round. Plenty of rabbits in the thicket. Teal is a course that looks like you should be able to score on but for some reason I find a way to play in excess of my potential. Therefore I return and keep trying.

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