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Golf Course Review Turkey Creek Golf Club Lincoln California

Turkey Creek Golf Club

Golf Course Review Turkey Creek Golf Club Lincoln California

Reviewed by: Deepsea14, Granite Bay
Played 1/12/2020 early cold start 36 degrees. No frost damp grass.

Golf Playing Conditions 6.44 GOOD
Golf Playing Conditions 6.44 GOOD

Course is in mid-winter dormancy. Patches of green and brown all through the green. We played winter rules. Variable conditions that would be expected this season. Some wet areas. Opened cart path only later 90 degree rule was posted on the cart GPS.

Greens in good to very good condition rolling smooth with a few ball marks. Holes fresh cut with sharp edges. Tee boxes level but a bit sandy / shaggy. Didn’t hit a bunker.

Paid $55 online rate on course website which I’d rate a bit high based on course conditions and competition in surrounding area. Haven’t played course in awhile and like the layout and no houses impeding.